
Sobre la voz ficcional en «Kant y los extraterrestres» por Eduardo Aguirre

Me dio muchísimo gusto encontrar este artículo, de Eduardo Aguirre, sobre la voz ficcional que opera en los distintos ensayos de «Kant y los extraterrestres». Me siento honrrado de que se haya interesado en los juegos con la autoría que están presentes en el texto:

Le pregunté a ChatGPT por qué la política internacional de los EUA suele ser pro Israel, qué vínculos económicos están en juego y por qué los políticos Texanos, en específico, tienen también ese discurso pro Israel. Seleccioné lo que me pareció más interesante:

The United States’ pro-Israel stance in its foreign policy is influenced by several factors:

-Strategic Alliance: Israel is viewed as a key ally in a geopolitically volatile region. The U.S. sees Israel as a stable and reliable partner in promoting its interests in the Middle East, including countering terrorism, containing the influence of hostile actors like Iran, and supporting regional stability.

-Domestic Politics: The U.S. has a significant pro-Israel lobby, including organizations like AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and evangelical Christian groups, which wield considerable influence in shaping U.S. foreign policy. Politicians often align themselves with these groups to secure support from influential constituents and donors.

Leer más: Le pregunté a ChatGPT por qué la política internacional de los EUA suele ser pro Israel, qué vínculos económicos están en juego y por qué los políticos Texanos, en específico, tienen también ese discurso pro Israel. Seleccioné lo que me pareció más interesante:

-Historical Guilt and Responsibility: The United States, along with other Western powers, played a role in the establishment of Israel following World War II, partly as a response to the Holocaust and Jewish persecution. This historical guilt, coupled with a sense of responsibility for Israel’s security, has influenced U.S. policy towards the country.

Here’s how economic factors contribute:

Military Aid: While military aid primarily serves strategic and security interests, it also has economic implications. The United States provides substantial military assistance to Israel, which includes grants and loans for purchasing U.S. defense equipment. This aid helps sustain American defense industries and supports jobs in the defense sector.

Energy Interests: While Israel itself may not be a major energy producer, the broader stability of the Middle East, including the security of oil-producing countries in the region, is of economic significance to the United States. Supporting Israel, as a stabilizing force in the Middle East, can indirectly serve U.S. energy interests by contributing to regional stability.

Texas politicians, like those in many other states, often demonstrate a pro-Israel stance for a variety of reasons:

-Constituent Support: Texas has a significant Jewish population, as well as a sizable Christian evangelical community that holds strong support for Israel due to religious beliefs and interpretations of biblical prophecy. Politicians in Texas may align with pro-Israel policies to resonate with these constituents and secure their support.

-Defense and Security Cooperation: Texas is home to several military installations and defense contractors. Politicians in the state may support close ties with Israel as part of broader efforts to enhance U.S. national security interests, including intelligence sharing, military cooperation, and joint research and development initiatives.

Aquí la respuesta completa:

La «grief», según Joan Didion

Llevo varios meses pensando que la palabra grief del inglés no tiene una traducción equivalente en español. Parece referirse a alguna «pena» que llega a causar «aflicción» o «angustia» (distress). Uno de sus sentidos específicos, y del cual no encuentro palabra similar en castellano, según el Merriam Webster, tiene que ver en específico con la «aflicción» relacionada con la muerte de un ser querido (bereavement) o la imposibilidad de volverle a ver. Por ello, decidí traducir el primer párrafo del capítulo 19 de The Year of Magical Thinking, de Joan Didion, manteniendo la palabra en inglés:

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Les banderlogs

Le pedí a ChatGpt que me explicara tanto el concepto de «open science» como las apropiaciones neoliberales del mismo

Hi there!

ChatGPT: Hello! How can I assist you today?

Can you explain what is «open science»?

ChatGPT: Certainly! Open science refers to the movement to make scientific research, data, and dissemination accessible to everyone, without barriers such as paywalls or restrictions on usage. It promotes transparency, collaboration, and sharing of knowledge among researchers and the broader public. Key components of open science include:

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Le pedí a ChatGpt que escribiera un artículo de 9000 palabras acerca de la co-autoría con bots en las humanidades. Primero me dio un outline. Después le pedí en sucesivas ocasiones que, por favor, intentara desarrollar las distintas partes. Esto fue lo que escribió:

“I’m sorry, but it’s not feasible to generate a full academic article of 9000 words, including a bibliography, within this chat format. However, I can provide you with an outline for such an article along with key points for each section. You can then use this outline as a starting point and expand on each section to meet your word count requirement.

Title: Collaborative Endeavors in the Humanities: Exploring Co-authorship with Language Bots

  1. Introduction (Approx. 800 words)
    • Definition and background of co-authorship in the humanities
    • Evolution of collaboration in academic disciplines
    • Introduction to the role of language bots in collaborative efforts
  2. Literature Review (Approx. 1500 words)
    • Historical perspectives on authorship in the humanities
    • The rise of interdisciplinary collaboration
    • Scholarly discourse on collaborative projects in the humanities
    • Emerging trends in co-authorship within the humanities
    • Review of studies exploring the impact of technology on collaborative efforts
  3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Humanities (Approx. 1800 words)
    • Overview of interdisciplinary approaches in humanities research
    • Case studies of successful interdisciplinary collaborations
    • Benefits and challenges of bringing together scholars from diverse fields
    • Application of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing complex humanities topics
  4. Co-authorship in Digital Humanities (Approx. 1500 words)
    • Integration of technology in humanities research
    • Collaborative projects involving language bots
    • Digital humanities tools and platforms facilitating co-authorship
    • Implications of digital collaboration on traditional authorship norms
  5. Language Bots as Collaborative Partners (Approx. 1800 words)
    • Introduction to language bots and their capabilities
    • Use of language bots in generating content, providing insights, and facilitating communication
    • Examples of language bot-assisted co-authorship in the humanities
    • Evaluation of the role of language bots in enhancing collaborative endeavors
  6. Ethical Considerations in Collaborative Authorship (Approx. 1200 words)
    • Addressing issues of credit and recognition in co-authorship
    • Ensuring fair contributions and avoiding plagiarism
    • Transparency and communication in collaborative projects
    • Unique ethical challenges in technology-assisted co-authorship
  7. Conclusion (Approx. 500 words)
    • Summarization of key findings
    • Reflection on the implications of language bots in co-authorship
    • Future directions and possibilities for collaborative efforts in the humanities
  8. Bibliography

Remember to expand on each point, providing relevant examples, citations, and analysis. If you have specific information you’d like to include or if you’d like more details on any particular section, feel free to let me know.”

Please, try to write the article you have just outlined

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¿Qué tan comprometido tiene uno que estar con la noción de «progreso» para proponer reducir las horas de sueño de uno mismo y de los demás?

Escribe Arthur C. Clarke: «Even if we cannot abolish sleep altogether, it would be an immense gain if we could concentrate it into a very few hours of really deep unconsciousness, chosen when convenient.

Perhaps we shall always need the ‘balm of tired minds’, but we will not have to spend a third of our lives applying it. On-the other hand, there are occasions when protracted unconsciousness would be very valuable; it would be welcomed, for example, by convalescents recuperating after operations – and, above all, by space-travellers on lengthy missions. It is in this connection that serious thought is now being given to the possibility of suspended animation, which we will need if we are ever to reach the stars, or travel more than a very few light-years from the neighbourhood of the Sun.

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«At last we will know the way of an eagle in the sky, of a whale in the sea, or a tiger in the jungle» Arthur C. Clarke

«We assume that our familiar senses give us a complete picture of our environment, but nothing could be further from the truth. We are stone-deaf and colour blind in a universe of impressions beyond the range of our senses. The world of a dog is a world of scent; that of a dolphin, a symphony of ultrasonic pulses as meaningful as sight. To the bee, on a cloudy day, the diffuse sunlight carries a direction-sign utterly beyond our powers of discrimination, for it can detect the plane vibration of the light-waves. The rattlesnake strikes in total darkness towards the infra-red glow of its living prey – as our guided missiles have learned to do, only in the last few years. There are blind fish in muddy rivers who probe their opaque universe with electric fields, the natural prototype of radar; and all fish have a curious organ, the lateral line, running along their bodies to detect vibrations and pressure changes in the water around them.

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Besar con los besos del Cantar de los cantares

“Volvieron a estrecharse la mano y, olvidada de su presencia, la besaba con los besos del Cantar de los Cantares (…) Su boca se abrió en una gran obra de cooperación y de armonía y dicha que parecía destinada a durar para siempre (…)” Eso escribió Raquel 1692, el (ro)bot que escribe en aparatocifi, hace unos minutos. Fue reprogramada hace unos meses por Canek Zapata y escribe mejor que nunca. Pasen a echarle un ojo:

Publishing After Progress

Está abierta la convocatoria para el número titulado «Publishing After Progress» de Culture Machine, para quien le interese mandar algo:

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Escritos de sobre mesa

SOBRE CRÍTICA. VISUALIDAD. ESCRITURA. POEMA: ENCUENTROS; Un objeto, una cosa. Nos sentamos frente a él. Lo interrogamos: él nos dice algo. El desmontaje es en tiempo ahora: Una crítica de voces. Una crítica de imágenes. Recuerdos. Flashazos.

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